Copy by David E. Davis Jr. I really am proud of this ad but not for the reasons you may think. It is a very fine Corvette ad in the series of ads that David E. and I did together but there is something special about the location. This was done at a time when art directors loved to do ads that required a trip to California, Florida. or almost any place but Michigan. Photographers liked to get out of town too. I always thought that was a bunch of BS. Ads could be created anywhere as it all depended on the idea for the ad. I was kind of vocal on the subject and boasted that I could do a Corvette ad within a block of the General Motors building. Everybody scoffed at the thought and that was all I needed. I walked around the buildings in the Detroit New Center area on West Grand Boulevard looking for a thought that would allow me to make a picture. On one of the streets some city workers had a man hole cover open while they worked on whatever was down there. Here it was-our next Corvette ad. I walked around looking for man hole covers in some situation that would work. I found what I wanted on the street just North of W. Grand Blvd. and next to the New Center Building. Saks 5th Ave. was located there at the time. Warren Winstanley made all the arrangements for police and the opening of the man hole and a model to sit there, have lunch and admire the good looking lady in the good looking Corvette. No need to show Saks--just keep it simple. You can find this ad in the June 9, 1962 issue of New Yorker or the April 16, 1962 issue of Sports Illustrated.
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