Chevrolet has always offered more car for the money. Back then as well as now you really don't get much more when you spend more for a higher priced car. And looking at another way --if you have one of these Chevrolets now it is worth lots more than most other cars that cost a bunch more back in 1956. Real value! The art for this ad was by Paul Nonnast and he got all of $1,500 for his effort. Look at the airplane about to land at LAX. It is not a jet but a four engine prop driven Constellation. A really great plane at that time.
Thanks for the great site. I have fond memories of working at my father's art studio that created some of these ads (from the seventies)
My summer job was to be a "Mat Rat" which meant I cleaned the artist's paint trays and emptied their water bowls every morning and also mounted and matted their finsished artwork for presentation to the clients.
It was amazing to see an artist start with a blank board and over a few days watch one of these illustrations come to life.
Been a long time since we worked together at Campbell-Ewald, and I am glad to see you are doing well.
Ty Damon II
I just came across your site. My name is Bruce Hettema, and I own Patterson & Hall (now P&H Creative Group). Bruce Bomberger, Stan Galli and Charles Allen worked here and did some of the Chevy illustrations. I have a couple originals hanging on my wall.
It looks like you have a great archive of ads. I'd be interested in talking more.
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